Brighter: Betydande potential i medicinteknikbolaget


Brighter - A human innovation company - Medical Equipment

Try out Actiste virtually with our app! If you have our business card, download our app from App Store or Google Play (search for Actiste). Hold the business cards picture side towards the camera to activate an interactive Mixed Reality (MR) demo of Actiste, to show off for astonished friends and colleagues! Actiste is the world’s first medical device solution that combines all the functions required to monitor and treat insulin therapy diabetes in a mobile-connected device.

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Add to Wishlist. Install. Translate the description into English (United States) using Google Translate? Translate. Experience the Actiste Mixed Reality 3D demo! Read more.

Actiste is the world’s first service for monitoring and treating diabetics remotely. This service comes as part of the Ministry’s keenness to develop its practices so as to achieve the highest rates of quality, safety and efficiency of healthcare in UAE. Try out Actiste virtually with our app! If you have our business card, download our app from App Store or Google Play (search for Actiste).

En smart lösning för dig med insulinbehandlad - Actiste

30 december 2020 kl 15:  Actiste håller koll på och behandlar diabetes · Diabetesapparat för IoT-åldern · Det svenska företaget Brighter har utvecklat diabetesapparaten Actiste vilken  Actiste introduces a new level of user friendliness and control in the treatment of diabetes. The app gives you the possibility to view blood  Brighter AB (Publ) är stolt att tillkännage att bolagets banbrytande lösning för diabetesvård - Actiste®-enheten och dess tillhörande digitala  tor, jan 07, 2021 20:30 CET. Brighter AB (publ) är stolt att tillkännage att Actiste®-enheten och den nyutvecklade Actiste® Mini-enheten har  I och med färdigställandet av vårt flaggskeppserbjudande Actiste går vi nu in i ett stort affärsmässigt skifte som vi förberett organisationen för under en längre tid,  Idag demonstrerar Brighter för första gången sin uppkopplade diabetestjänst Actiste®. Detta kommer att ske på scenen på Demo@Vitalis som  Share the data.


3ngage Actiste

Actiste® Mini är en smart och användarvänlig blodsockermätare med global out-of-the-box-internetuppkoppling via eSIM, som utvecklats för att stötta framgångsrik hantering och tillsyn av diabetes. The Actiste will log the exact amount of insulin that was actually injected. Lancet mechanism Arm the lancet by sliding back the arming button. من خالل الجمع بين أهم مميزات رعاية مرضى السكري في جهاز واحد، يقوم أكتيست بإزالة الضغط الذي يعاني منه مرضى السكري في تذكر جميع المعدات الالزمة للرعاية اليومية: قلم اإلنسولين وجهاز قياس نسبة السكر في الدم ّ وشرائط Brighter addresses common public health challenges through a group of innovation companies.


It provides remote monitoring services and management of the treatment of diabetics, in addition to 2 days ago · To that end, the team developed Actiste, a pocket-sized, connected device serving insulin-treated diabetics with measurement of glucose levels, insulin injections, and automatic logging, all in a single unit. A digital interface stores data on glucose readings and dosing levels, and allows users to log meals and other relevant data. Brighter AB (publ) is proud to announce that the Actiste® device and the newly developed Actiste® Mini device have received market approval from the Thai FDA, which is a prerequisite to start importing and marketing the products. A cellular transmission approval process, which is a requirement for activation and use of the products, is under way.
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Actiste is an insulin device as a service from the company Brighter. The app shows an interactive demo of the Actiste – instruction video for the MR-app. Actiste on App Store or Actiste on Google Play Actiste marker. You need to print this Actiste tracking image.

The Actiste  Actiste är en abonnemangstjänst som underlättar egenvården för typ2 diabetiker som behandlas med insulin. Initialt fokuserar bolaget på att  Företaget ansöker om pris och subvention för Actiste Teststrips, som är teststickor för blodglukosmätning för användning av personer med  Actiste provides remote monitoring services and management of the treatment of outside diabetics, in addition to contributing to the provision of  Brighters lösning Actiste® har nominerats till Design-S Swedish Design Awards 2018 i kategorin Industri- och Produktdesign B2B. Design-S  Brighter accelererar kommersialiseringen av Actiste och genomför en samt erhållit CE-märkning av Bolagets första lösning, Actiste-enheten. Actiste devices and services are designed for daily diabetes management, with smart features aimed at helping to keep your blood glucose under control.
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Brighter tecknar 5-årigt distributionsavtal avseende Actiste® i

The new health care solution of the future which makes life easier for people with diabetes. The Actiste can inject precise doses… 2020-5-30 · Download Actiste Experience and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

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Brighter AB LIVONGO VS ACTISTE Forum Placera - Avanza

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MOHAP launches “ACTISTE” world's first service for remote

Actiste is the world’s first service for monitoring and treating diabetics remotely.

2020-12-27 · Actiste is being commercialised via a different model than other diabetes technologies, where the company is offering the product paired with its Benefit Loop service that includes both delivery of consumables as well as cloud-based health data delivery. 2021-4-9 · Actiste today is the only solution in Southeast Asia that measures, treats, as well as shares data between patients, healthcare professionals, and other caregiver stakeholders securely and independently. Through adopting Actiste Diabetes Management, data will be generated to help healthcare professionals to develop new chronic disease treatments. Actiste, a unified diabetes care device for. insulin-treated diabetes, has received two.